Sunday, March 30, 2008

Tourists on flipped bus tossed 'like a salad'

That's the headline in the star last week:
you can now go to the star website, type in "tossed salad" in the search bar, and get a hit.

My other favorite is from last year at the Under-18 World Cup was in Toronto. The Chilean flans got pissed over a red card and they semi-rioted; the cops had to come and use tazers on them. The headline: "Red-Hot Chile Gripers"

I used to wish that I could be an NBA player or... well i guess that's it. But my new dream job is to write headlines full of innuendo and puns. that would make me happy.

actually, check out this job:

basically, you read a bunch of books and meet a bunch of people, then on the plane, you tell movie producer brian grazer about it. the idea is that grazer is too busy to learn, so you'd learn for him. apparently, the job also pays in the 6-figures. so you'd b ein hollywood, but you could always ratioanlize away the soulessness.

here's an awesome essay by michael chabon on the meaning of superhero costumes:

"Now the time has come to propose, or confront, a fundamental truth: like the being who wears it, the superhero costume is, by definition, an impossible object. It cannot exist."


. said...
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C. M. Arambulo said...

That article was pretty awesome