Wednesday, January 23, 2008

The Greatest Show on TV

It's not the Wire. The Wire is merely the best piece of TV art ever. The best show is "The Moment of Truth". The Wire is often compared to Dickens for the way it captures an entire city, with the huge cast of characters, and the different strands of story. But "Moment of Truth" is not art, it's actually life.

The premise: contestants take a lie detector test, then the next day or whatever, they sit in a chair and answer some of the same questions on live TV, with loved ones actually in studio. Their answers have to correspond with the earlier lie detector test to be considered true. Your loved ones, friends or whatever, get to press a buzzer that allows the contestant to avoid answering.

This show is amazing and it allows people to ruin their own lives for money. It's pure drama (with a couple of prolonged shots and interspersed cuts). Today some of the questions a guy answered truthfully in front of his wife: "Have you delayed having children with your wife because you have doubts about her being your life partner?" (he answered yes, truthfully); "If your wife got a belly, would you encourage her to have liposuction?" (he answered yes, truthfully); "Since you've been married, have you used the internet to flirt with other women?" (he answered no, truthfully); "As a personal trainer, have you ever had unnecessary personal contact with a client?" (he answered no, falsely).

There's one problem: the host, a dude, plays it like he enjoys putting the guys through the wringer. That is anti-guy code right there. the tone puts a bad taste in my mouth. They should get Paul Rudd to host it and be all sympathetic when guys are getting their balls fed to them. "Geez, don't answer that, man." If I was on the show, no way do I bring a girl. i'm bringing my three most guy-code adhering friends.

Anyways, great show to watch if you're a novelist.

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