Wednesday, January 30, 2008

The Wire

On, they have a good email correspondence between two journalists/tv critics talking about the newest season of the wire. there's even an entry from david simon being his normal angry asshole self. but if you're that much of an asshole and still people let you work, you have to be a genius. theres even an entry by one of the writers trying to figure out why simon's so pissed at them.

they're pretty spot on. there are some compelling bits with omar, marlo/prop joe, and avon making an appearance. so far though, the drug game aspect is a step slow so far (though the end of episode 4 promises some badass happenings in coming episodes).

The newspaper stuff is really weak so far. Each newsroom character is fucking irritating, i hate both the young rooks (the go getter(her acting is pretty fucking grating) and hack who is pretty transparent) and especially the bosses who are so daft you have to wonder how they even got to career respectability. Clark Johnson is pretty solid though.

The McNulty storyline is getting pretty unrealistic, too, and I get it Bunk, you don't want in.

we'll see how it goes. i've also found a site that has episodes 1-7 streamed. let me know and ill pass you the link.

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